TCW wrote:
On 6/12/2018 11:58 PM, Daniel wrote:
TCW wrote on 12/06/18 23:17:

But be aware that even with the "Advertise Firefox" setting set, some sites still act up. Seems some now only work if Firefox is the only Browser mentioned so kick up a stink if SeaMonkey and Firefox are mentioned .... or if Firefox and SeaMonkey are mentioned.

Some, hereabouts, have suggested creating a UserAgent pref that would apply to the specific, troublesome, site.

I don't think it will completely not load. I mean, come on. Do you know how many people that would affect? It's like pointing a gun in someone's face and saying they *have* to use this browser or else. Doesn't work that way. They'll lose money and issue a mea culpa.

A lot depends on how a site is built. The most common way of browser handling is via scripting that checks the presented User Agent string. Some sites may simply grumble about an unsupported browser, others may not allow additional access. And if you block scripting with something such as NoScript, you may not see complaints at all.

There's also non-scripting ways of forcing compliance. On the web site I maintain, I have several rules in place that reject connections by certain browser IDs. In my case, I use those for forged UAs, because I know that the access is malicious. There's one operation that shows browser access as "Firefox 40.1" (a version which was never valid). If somebody goes to this site with a browser that's showing that, the connection will be rejected with a 403 error (and it's something I've tested with a spoofed UA string.)

Mostly, browser sniffing is simply looking for an acceptable version level. Thus, as noted elsewhere in this thread, sites are increasingly complaining about UA strings that show Firefox 52, not knowing (or caring) that Firefox 52.x ESR (and other Mozilla derivatives that are based on that) are valid browsers, with current support. I think a lot of the complaints that are coming from sites that have decided that anything that's before 57.0 and Quantum should not be used.

On the other hand, there are sites that will object if they see anything other than a valid Firefox UA string. That would be one that has all the appropriate Firefox data but also shows the current Seamonkey version (which is what you get if you use "Advertise Firefox". I know that has a reputation of problems there, but personally, I've never had problems there if I set the UA string to stock Firefox (without advertising compatibility). I've never bothered to check to see if other browsers that do similar compatibility advertising have problems at Chase. That would include things like PaleMoon, or Opera (a Chromium derivative), which shows a Chrome UA, and then notes Opera-specific version info.

There's a variety of reasons that a site may object to Seamonkey (or an ESR version of Firefox);

- Security. It's not unreasonable to expect a reasonably current version that's updated on security patches. I don't maintain our corporate web site, but I do know that there's a minimum version of Firefox that's considered to be acceptable.

- Support. For consumer-facing sites (especially financial sites), it's really common for the support people to demand a limited number of browsers, and I think this is the issue at Chase. Management decides "we only support browsers X, Y and Z", and if they find you're running anything else and you need their help, they'll end the conversation. Ultimately, this is the same attitude as from 20 years ago, when sites were supporting IE only. They simply didn't want to bother with any variations. Thus, even though Seamonkey is derived from Firefox, and runs the same Gecko engine (and has all the same capacities), a difference as simple as getting to configs by going to Hamburger Menu -> Options, and a tab-centric interface in Firefox, as opposed to Seamonkey's Edit -> Preferences, and a tree-oriented UI is more than they want to bother with. From a support standpoint, they want to *know* what the user is seeing, and not have to guess at UI variants.

- Indifference/laziness: Some devs don't know (or care to know) about derivative projcts, and why people may want to use them. On their part, "one size fits all" is a whole lot easier for them. But that's not really much different than software developers that set their installers to default to all _their_ preferred options, with the expectation that most users won't bother to change the defaults.

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