On 9/11/2018 7:43 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
> On 09/05/2018 04:04 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:
>> On 09/05/2018 01:48 PM, David E. Ross wrote:
>>> On 9/5/2018 10:20 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
>>>> On 09/05/2018 10:34 AM, David E. Ross wrote:
>>>>> On 9/5/2018 1:50 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
>>>>>> On 09/05/2018 12:38 AM, David E. Ross wrote:
>>>>>>> On 9/4/2018 10:56 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'm creating a custom web page to display my SeaMonkey bookmarks 
>>>>>>>> my way.
>>>>>>>> I have chosen to use nested unordered lists. I have ~3500 
>>>>>>>> bookmarks in
>>>>>>>>     >500 folders nested several levels deep. I have two problems.
>>>>>>>> The default indentation is too large causing items to line-wrap.
>>>>>>>> The presence of bullets serves no purpose and is *UGLY*.
>>>>>>>> I've been wandering a convoluted path thru the web finding only 
>>>>>>>> enough
>>>>>>>> to tantalize. I keep ending up on poorly designed pages.
>>>>>>>> Suggestions?
>>>>>>> My bookmark hierarchy has four levels of folders.  I have the 
>>>>>>> following
>>>>>>> in the userChrome.css file in the chrome folder of my profile:
>>>>>>>     /*  Indent folders */
>>>>>>>     @-moz-document
>>>>>>>         url("file:///xxx/bookmarks.html")
>>>>>>>         { body { margin-left: 2em !important; font-size: 12pt }
>>>>>>>     h3 + dl { margin-left: 2em !important }  }
>>>>>>> where xxx is the full path to my bookmarks.html file.
>>>>>>> I automatically export my bookmarks from places.sqlite to 
>>>>>>> bookmarks.html
>>>>>>> every time I terminate SeaMonkey, which is often since I frequntly
>>>>>>> switch between profiles (which effectively terminates and then
>>>>>>> relaunches SeaMonkey).  The export is effected by having
>>>>>>>     user_pref("browser.bookmarks.autoExportHTML", true);
>>>>>>>     // automatically export bookmarks into an HTML file
>>>>>>> in my user.js file in my profile.  (The // indicates a comment to 
>>>>>>> remind
>>>>>>> me why I have that entry.  The ; at the end of the user_pref 
>>>>>>> statement
>>>>>>> is mandatory.)
>>>>>> I copied those into the appropriate files.
>>>>>> NOTHING happened :<
>>>>> Did you replace the xxx with the actual path to your bookmarks.html
>>>>> file?  You do have a bookmarks.html file?
>>>> Yes. But I suspect a system problem of some sort.
>>>> I posted in wee hours of morning making no more than a <i got troubles>
>>>> post.
>>>> The other associated symptom was that edit of user.js had had no effect.
>>>> I manually tweaked the preference using about:config . I still got no
>>>> HTML file on shutdown.
>>>> Having been in customer service <different industry ;> for decades, I
>>>> suspected "Murphy". So I just now created an empty file with the
>>>> appropriate name. Still "no joy in Mudville" ;/
>>>> I've avoided addons/addins/etc since the Netscape 4 days - so that's not
>>>> the problem.
>>>> I've had no cause to tweak userChrome.css nor user.js for >> 10 years.
>>>> Is there a bug I would not have noticed?
>>>> I've set aside this afternoon to discover some diagnostic test cases. I
>>>> *DOUBT* that any explicit diagnostics for this case exists. I was thus
>>>> going to search out articles on how/why to tweak those files.
>>>> Suggestions welcome :}
>>>> P.S. I've been a "corner case" since ~"Hector was a pup"  ;/
>>> Entries and changes to user.js have no effect until you completely
>>> terminate SeaMonkey and then relaunch it unless, of course, you edit
>>> user.js while SeaMonkey is already terminated.  (It is possible that the
>>> same might be true of userChrome.css.)  Then, the automatic export from
>>> places.sqlite to bookmarks.html occurs the next time (and each time
>>> thereafter) you terminate SeaMonkey.
>>> Furthermore, you are using SeaMonkey under Linux.  I am using SeaMonkey
>>> under windows.  There might be differences.
>> *ROFL*
>> I've ancient copy of WinXP Pro on another machine.
>> I'll investigate permutations tomorrow ;/
> Had problems with my WinXP machine.
> Just ran your css suggestions. Still didn't get what I was looking for.
> Are we describing the same thing.
> I've a sample of desired output (1.9kB).
> If the server does not accept attachments, where can I post it?

The HTML fragment you attached actually came through!  Usually,
attachments are stripped away in the Mozilla newsgroups.

Your fragment is exactly what I get and what I want.  So you might
indeed be correct in thinking that I do not understand what you want.

David E. Ross

Too often, Twitter is a source of verbal vomit.  Examples include Donald
Trump, Roseanne Barr, and Elon Musk.
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