WaltS48 wrote on 27-04-19 00:03:
On 4/26/19 5:51 PM, Ray_Net wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote on 26-04-19 19:30:
Ray_Net wrote:

You are probably true ...but it's a pity that SM modify the text-color (changing to GREY) of the html-signature where the color is BLACK.

I think that i found the solution - using about:config I do a search for 000099 and I found the "msgcompose.text_color" variable with "user set" string at "#000099"

Uh, how is "#000099" gray? Looks blue to me.

YES, You are true. I remember now that I change the text I wrote to blue.
So this is not my problem.
Therefore the problem is still open.
How to avoid the lighter font the signature ? I prefer a solid black.
With text in blue and signature in black THIS indicate also to the recipient that it is a signature and not part of the message.

How do you know what the recipient's Display settings are?

Just because it looks pretty to you in the Composition window, doesn't mean the recipient will see it that way.

My signature text is black by default when composing a message like this one. Lighter when I view it.

I just discovered the solution for my request:
I have inserted in my HTML signature after the  first "<br>"  part a style tag as you can see in the beginning of my HTML signature file:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
  <body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
.moz-txt-sig, .moz-signature {
  opacity: inherit !important;
<< rest of the html page >>

And the signature is not Lighter anymore.

I have found this info on this web page:
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