d.e....@mail.pcom.de wrote:
Am Sonntag, 29. März 2020 22:20:43 UTC+2 schrieb mozilla-li...@spamgourmet.com:
d.e.r.b wrote:
Am Sonntag, 29. März 2020 18:07:08 UTC+2 schrieb Frank-Rainer Grahl:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
d.e....@mail.pcom.de wrote:
When launching new SeaMonkey 2.53.1 I will be prompted two times to enter
the master password for the security device. This was not the case in the
previous version. Moreover, I am only using one security the device, the
software devicie. For the Generic Crypto Services I have not set a password.

Any explanation and how could I overcome this since in the long term it is
laboriously, tedious and cumbersome to enter every launch of Seamonkey two
times the same pw?


Is the old key3.db and cart8.db still in the profile folder?

On my 2.53.1 system, they is (assuming you mean cErt8.db), along with the old
key4.db and the new cert9.db. Can't speak for the OP.

New pair is key4.db and cert9.db. Please remove the old key3.db and cert8.db.


The old files are not in the profile folder.

But unfortunately, I did not remove the master password before upgrading to 
SeaMonkey 2.53.1

Should I do an uninstallation and a new one?

Although not the recommended procedure, I've found that the passwords
are converted to the new format even with a master password set PROVIDED
you enter the master password when prompted the first time you start
2.53.1.  If for any reason (distraction, crash, power outage, etc.) you
don't enter the password during that first run, the old password
database key is deleted without being converted to the new format - so
it's safer to remove the master password before upgrading, and reinstate
it afterwards.

Check whether your passwords are still shown at Tools > Data Manager.
If they are, you're probably OK even if you didn't remove the master
password before updating as recommended.  If not, the old passwords key
will have already been deleted from your profile even though it wasn't
converted, so the older version won't be able to read your passwords
anyway.  You'd need to restore your profile from a backup, as well as
ideally going back to the previous version to remove the master password
before updating again.

I've also found that the old key3.db is sometimes automatically deleted
after that initial conversion (leaving only the new key4.db), but the
old cert8.db is not deleted (leaving both cert8.db and the new
cert9.db).  So it might only be necessary to delete cert8.db (DO NOT
delete key4.db - that's the key for your password database).

I have made the same experience with the migration of passwords regarding the 
password database files. And fortunately I have access to my passwords.

My question and issues is that when launching Seamonkey I am requested two 
times to enter the password, i.e. the window to enter the password pops up two 
Even although I have deleted cert8.db and key3.db.


Did you read my previous reply? It might be caused by "Check messages at startup". Old error.

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