On 5/4/2020 5:52 AM, Daniel wrote:
Frog wrote on 4/05/2020 10:05 AM:
On 4/29/2020 7:41 PM, Frog wrote:

I have attempted to replace my Verizon email account with an AOL email account on SeaMonkey without success.  At the moment, I can only access web pages using SeaMonkey...my access to this support group is accessible only thru Thunderbird. I have tried every combination of settings that I have read about and nothing makes a connection to AOL via SeaMonkey.  Can someone point me or give me simple directions for how to access my AOL messages on SeaMonkey?

Would it be easier for me to abandon SeaMonkey and and move to have my AOL email delivered to Thunderbird?  If so, I will need simple-to- follow instructions as to how to make that happen.

My operating system is Windows 10 and my SeaMonkey version is version 2.53.1

Please help me with simple-to-follow instructions.


I'm almost happy at the moment...I can receive my email messages on SeaMonkey.  I still don't know what made this happen...unless it was a mistake I made while looking at "Preferences" in SeaMonkey.  I found under "Preferences" three squares...one with Mail, another with News, and the third with Feed printed on them.  Two of these boxes (Mail and Feeds) were grayed out and only News had a white background.  I said to myself...voila, I need to find a way to make Mail have a background. I never found a way to make the Mail block turn white, so I started down a very dangerous path of experimenting.  I decided to click the News block and then I got a message asking if I was sure I wanted to take this action...after some hard thinking, I decided to say yes.  I was then shaking like a leaf in the wind but ultimately decided to attempt to download my (AOL) mail on SeaMonkey...would you believe my messages started to download immediately after clicking the download button.

I next decided to check my newsgroup messages...they were there and new messages were downloaded.  One problem here that was not present in my mail arena is the fact that I still can't open my news group messages...I only see message headings and can't open the messages to see the message text.  Without seeing the message text I don't know what the message is all about and I need the message to be open in order to send a response to that message.  I will continue to look for a fix for this problem.  (((Question: Is it better for me to open a new item in the newsgroup for this problem?)))

Needless to say I am a happy person right now, and I can send/receive email messages via SeaMonkey...able to receive newsgroup traffic on SeaMonkey but not able to open the message or respond to the message on SeaMonkey...and I can continue to visit web pages on SeaMonkey. All of this would not have been possible without the help all of you sent my way...you are all to be commended for what you do to help other people. My thanks for you help is beyond words to express.


Frog, I don't know if my contribution will fix your situation ... but you never know ....

At one stage, SeaMonkey was set up so that, once you had set up an e-mail account, SeaMonkey would reason that any other account you set up would HAVE TO BE a News account, so removed the possibility of setting up another e-mail account, hence your not being able to, i.e. E-mail account being greyed out!! (I don't know why you saw 'Feed' greyed out!!)

What you just stated makes sense to me in light of what I have encountered during this thread and what I have to look forward to in the coming days. Recapping a little here, I have two accounts (one titled username@verizon and another AOL Account). I believe the one titled usern...@verizzon.net is the one I am actually using to access my AOL mail on SeaMonkey. The second one I think is a dud and probably should be deleted...now I have to make sure of which one I am actually using before deleting anything.

I can now see the subject line and message text of my AOL email messages on SeaMonkey. I can also access - see the subject lines of the messages of this newsgroup on SeMonkey. I cannot, however, open or respond to a newsgroup message on SeaMunkey. My attempts to open a message results in me seeing this message:

This link needs to be opened with an application.
Send to:
     Pick an app
Choose other Application             Choose...

___Remember my choice for news links.

             Cancel        Open link

I have never been able to identify an application that will open the messages on this newsgroup using SeaMonkey. My work around for this lack of access to newsgroup messages is to open Thunderbird and all of my messages become readable.

To change this situation, i.e. to allow you to set up a new E-mail account, you need to get into your set-up and make a change ....

FYI, I am afraid to start deleting an account because I am informed that doing so will delete all of my historical messages. I didn't delete an account at the start of this problem, however, I did loose all of my historical messages at that time (mid March).

Hmm! I must be getting old!!

I don't like to hear the old words...I'm 83. I learned a lot of technical information from you over the past years and I don't want to think of you getting old. Always remember, you are only as old as you think you are...and let us both think we are young.

I used to be able to give instructions for
reverting to being able to set up Mail account .... but, alas, now I cannot recall the preference that needs to be reset ... or, do I, sort of, recall someone here suggesting this functionality might have been removed??

It maybe now, that you have set your account up as a News account, your SeaMonkey has gone and gotten your mail off of the Server, BUT is then trying to operate as a News reader such that when you click on a Subject:, your SeaMonkey is trying to re-read the message from the Server .... but the message has already been downloaded onto your Computer, so is not on the Server for it to read.

This comment makes a lot of logical sense to me. I believe that accessing the mail account is separate from the personal mail situation. I say this based on being able to open my personal mail on SeaMonkey with no problems involved. I cannot open newsgroup messages on SeaMonkey. Additionally, after seeing the subject line of a newsgroup message on SeaMonkey, I can subsequently open that same message using Thunderbird.

It was great to hear from you in this thread and I look forward to receiving any thoughts you might sent my way on any part of list of troubles.


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