On 2020-08-19, Slugracing wrote:

> Nuno Silva wrote:
>> On 2020-08-18, Slugracing wrote:
>>> I too have come to a fork in the road and am now looking to move to
>>> another browser. the stalling and memory usage has now gotten out of
>>> control. since we move to the 2.53 series my ram usage has doubled,
>>> and I don't have double the ram so it swaps constantly and because of
>>> this its slow as a wet week.
>>> None of the other browsers I have tried including Firefox use as much
>>> ram for the same sites open.
>>> Thanks
>> Are you using the binaries from https://www.seamonkey-project.org/ or is
>> it a distribution-compiled version?
> Distro version (manjaro). I have now just downloaded the ones from
> seamonkey and will try this for a few days and see how it goes

Thanks! Please let us know how it goes - it will be very helpful to know
whether this happens with both packages or not.

Nuno Silva
support-seamonkey mailing list

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