Daniel wrote:
Over on one of my UseNet groups, one of the posters wants to become the greatest poster to that group .... and one of the other posters, who is currently the greatest poster to that group.

So Poster A will post about anything with the slightest connection to that group (Actors Birthdays, Deaths, Anniversary, etc) which usually then draws a post from Poster B telling Poster A to stop Spamming the group.

I'm sure I have previously pressed 'K' in my SM 2.49.5 to Killfile such threads ... but they keep coming back or, at least, I think they are coming back next Birthday, Death Anniversary, whatever.

Are the new posts definitely in the same thread, or do these posters keep starting new threads (or replying in various different threads)? Even if the subject line is the same that doesn't necessarily make it the same thread - threading is based on message headers (Message-ID, In-Reply-To and References for emails, not sure if it's the same headers for newsgroups). Outlook and perhaps others do attempt to use the subject to thread messages, but personally I find that a right pain, e.g. when it decides an email titled "Meeting today" is a reply to an email titled "Meeting today" from 3 years ago! SeaMonkey and (as far as I know) Thunderbird thankfully don't do that.

Where is the Killfile stasis of the threads in a UseNet group stored??

Or am I wrong in my impression that when I press 'K' on a thread that thread should disappear from my sight forever .... or at least until I take some remedial action to make a thread come alive again??

If they do keep starting new threads or posting in various other threads, it may be more effective to just ignore messages from these particular posters? I don't use newsgroups (I post here via the mailing list) so not familiar with the exact filtering options for them, but there may be an option to ignore or mark as read messages from particular senders (and perhaps also to ignore the rest of the thread or subthread as well). If they're trying to be recognised as frequent posters on the group, presumably they're posting with consistent names and addresses, so should be relatively easy to filter - unlike spammers who post from randomised IDs to evade filtering.


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