WaltS48 wrote:
Rob Steinmetz wrote:
I had to reset my Windows 10 installation. That was a bad idea. It essentially deleted all of my programs. I'm adding back the ones I need but I can't seem to get SeaMonkey set as the Default Mail program so Libre Office and Foxit PDF reader (and probably other applications) can't sent mail.

I gone into the Default applications and Windows offers SeaMonkey as one of the mail options so I set it. It doesn't work. I suspect I need to do something more.

Can anyone tell me how to do this?

Edit > Preferences > Mail & Newsgroups section, under the *General Settings* heading, you will find "Make SeaMonkey the default application for:".

I think you click the "Mail" button.
Under Preferences->Mail and Newsgroups in the Main Menu there is a setting to
"Use SeaMonkey Mail & News as the default application for:
Mail News Feeds"
and a second line
"Use SeaMonkey Mail & News when opening browser links for:
Mail News" with check boxes
Everything is checked but it doesn't seem to work on the computer I "Reset".
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