I have discovered this problem which occurs on two different machines with two different versions of Seamonkey - 2.53.3 and 2.53.5 - under OpenSuse.
Given a mail with multiple attachments, "Save All" or "Detach All"
starts a process which takes 100% of one processor but does otherwise nothing.
If I Quit Seamonkey the process remains.
If I kill the process instead of Quitting Seamonkey, Seamonkey dies with the process.
Saving the attachments individually works.

I repeated the test on my Windows 10 machine - with 2.53.4 - and there were no problems there.
Is this a Seamonkey/Linux problem or a Seamonkey/OpenSuse problem?

spammo ergo sum, viruses courtesy of https://www.nsa.gov/malware/
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