> Dave Hooper ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> > o   Rabbit icon sometimes 'locks up' and you can't get the popup menu to
> > appear
> > o   'Configure' doesn't work
> > o   Spaces in filenames don't work
> > o   Restarting freenet sometimes leaves it in a 'Freenet Having
> > state
> I want to make sure you know about this one which I encountered today:
> The freenet.ini file may be generated with both a Javaexec= line and a
> javaw= line.  If they're both uncommented, starting freenet.exe doesn't
> work.  Commenting out javaw=... makes it work.
> Win95, Sun JRE 1.3.1, freenet Windows installer

Yeh, I know about that one.  It was a special (and actually my
fault, I think).  Yeh, the fix for that one is also in there, don't worry!
(Fix was to correct the goof that made so 'special' !  :-)
Freenet.exe uses javaw.exe by default, but if that isn't present it falls
back to using java.exe .  The problem was that a recent (? or
not-so-recent?)  change to freenet.exe meant that, if it ran javaw.exe, it
would call the WaitForInputIdle() API ...
Unfortunately, for reasons best known to Sun, calling the WaitForInputIdle()
API on javaw.exe always causes the application to hang!  (well, duh,  well
done Sun).  So we took out the call to the WaitForInputIdle() function (it
wasn't needed anyway).  And now it all works a treat, with both javaw.exe
(i.e. javaw=) and java.exe (i.e. Javaexec=).


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