thomas ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> i found man files with the name t******* in /tmp. The files contains Images,
> html,... and all other things i browse/download in the "freenet".

That sounds like a browser configuration issue.  Are you using Lynx?
Lynx does that.  (They should be removed when lynx exits.)

This question is really outside the scope of the Freenet project,
but it does serve as a very good example of why security/anonymity
are not trivial problems.  In general, if you're using a web browser
but you want your activity not to be recorded anywhere, you may
have to mess with several different configuration options, mostly
concerning local caching and proxies.

(And while I'm typing, for the love of God, turn off Javascript!
Nothing in the universe is as evil as Javascript.)

Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers     |

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