On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 11:50:00PM +0100, Frank Stoeckl wrote:
> At 22:20 25.11.2002 +0000, you wrote:
> ><file://c:\programme\eudora\attach\Re [freenet-support] No freque.ems 
> ><0880.0002>>c8c16e.jpg<file://c:\programme\eudora\attach\Re 
> >[freenet-support] No freque.ems <0880.0002>> Re [freenet-support] No 
> >freque.ems
>  > They no longer exist. Frost is broken. Use FMB instead.
> First: thanks for your answer... but...
> I don't know what you mean with "Use FMB instead."
> Is this a Program? I searched freshmeat, but I only got one result:
> ScoFMB KDE Projects Homepage.
It's on freenet. Linked from TFE.
> Do you mean Frost is discontinued and replaced by "FMB" (can you post a 
> download link?...)
No, I mean frost has a bad reputation, and I'm not surprised at its
apparently depending on programs that haven't been part of freenet for
over 18 months.
> Greets:
> Frank
> -- 
>  >+++++++++[<++++++++++>-]<++++++++.>++[<++>-]<.
> Codito Ergo Sum.
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Matthew Toseland
Freenet/Coldstore open source hacker.
Employed full time by Freenet Project Inc. from 11/9/02 to 11/1/03

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