My dedicated Freenet node won't start. I stopped it because the load was only 20% (I'm used to around 80% load, 24 hours a day). It was working fine 12 hours ago as far as I could tell from :8888.

I'm seeing:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

in the bash shell that I run my node from. This occurs after "loading routing table" in freenet.log, and then the node crashes.

This node is the latest version and has been around since the stable release. Uptime was over five days. It has about 19 GB in it's datastore. System is Athlon 1333 mhz, Debian GNU/Linux 3.0, Linux kernel 2.2.20, Sun Java, 768 MB RAM, 2 GB swap, no swap being used.

Any suggestions what could be wrong? I tried renaming the ls* and rt* files but that had no effect so I put them back. I can provide more info/logs/testing but I don't currently have time to debug any code myself.

Shawn Yarbrough

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