On Sunday 05 January 2003 03:11 pm, Dave Hooper wrote:
> > >  The recent mention of the temp directory prompted me to go look
> > > to see what was in there.  I found 1200 files totaling 125meg!!!!
> > >
> > > Aren't these supposed to be being deleted when freenet is
> > > done with them?
> >
> > Not necessarily.
> Are you sure?  What is the *point* if temporary files if they're not
> temporary? :-)   Freenet uses temporary files for numerous reasons but
> the bottom line has to always be, when it's no longer needed, it should
> be deleted.  Or reused.  Or whatever.
> Quick important question though ... when the original poster (Joel M.
> Baldwin) reported looking in the temp directory, I assume the refence was
> to the freenet "store_nnnnn/temp" folder rather than /tmp or C:\Temp or
> something generic ...

I have no idea what OS he's running, let alone which 'temp' directory he's 
specifically referring to.

btw my ./freenet/freenet/store_*/temp dir is empty, and I do not regularly 
delete the files manually.

Will Mr. Baldwin please elucidate?

Jay Oliveri                                  "In the land of the blind,
GnuPG ID: 0x5AA5DD54                          the one-eyed man is king."
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