I've made the 'localhost' change, but see no difference when trying to use Freenet. Over the past couple  days I can link to YoYo, the Help Index, and Content of Evil, but I cannot get past the 'front page' of the Freedom Engine. I consistently get a 'data not found' error message. It seems strange to me that as my request propagates out through the default node refs, that none of nodes would know where the Freedom Engine list page would be.
Also, I've downloaded reskillseeds.ref from Reskill's site, but when I try "Import Refs" (through Configure), I get a message box on my screen that says "Importing Freenet References... this will not take long..." and "C:\Program Files\Freenet\reskillseeds.ref".
The ellipsis after "this will not take long" indicates that action is occurring, but the message has been up for a half hour. (The file ref is correct... this is where I saved Reskill's node refs file. I was going to try to see if a different set of seed nodes would solve my problem getting into the Freedom Engine)
This has happened before, and the only way to get rid of the message box is to quit Freenet and start again.
Again, thanks for any help.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2003 12:17 AM
Subject: Re: [freenet-support] Beginner... all I getis"Waitingfor127.0.0.1..." ...follow-up

>> 3. I'm behind a software firewall, and have set "local host" to the
>> firewall IP, with port forwarding to my machine. Is that correct?
>Do you mean the configuration parameter named IPAddress?  (I don't
>know if windows users see the actual parameter names or not).

Or have you set 'localhost' to the firewall IP in your 'host' file? If so...
change it back, it should never ever point to another machine..


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