>> when the node starts up, the rt gets cleaned, so no bad refs are left.
>> then, while the node is running only good refs are added to the rt.
>> then why are connections from incompatible (e.g. stable/unstable) nodes i=
>n the OCM?
>> because they contacted us?
>> then why aren't they rejected for using an incompatible protocol?
>Their queries are rejected. Their connections are not rejected because
>we don't exchange that info at connection time. We don't close the
>connections because they'd only retry.

that makes some sense.... at the expense of (since muxing not so) valuable connection 
slots, system resources, etc...
the connection backoff from Trevor Smith might be useful for this kind of stuff
also, maybe a additional fnp answer at connection time could be designed: "never 
contact me again" which will make out node remove the node which answers us this from 
the rt, so we won't retry the node as it's 
permanently unusable

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