Toad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> So, this bug is really somewhere inside freenet. Either the accept()
>> call was not handled quick enough (dunno how accept is called in nio)
>> or Fred really closes open sockets without having sent any data.
> Consistently? Can you write me a test case? 

Since it has never happened on my node, no; sorry. I could try to
write an app that just sets up a bunch of ClientPut requests, but i
cannot be sure if they are the reason for the disconnection of fred.

BTW i don't have any node atm anyway (my build on hd is 6441 and it
hasn't been started for a few months), so i'd have to set up a new
node first... Perhaps I'll do that. But not *now*.

BTW2 have you fixed that bug where a plain site was detected as a
container (i mailed you on 2004-01-10 with a way to reproduce it) and
thus unbrowsable?


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