Hello !

I just installed freenet.
I used the debian "stable" archive of freenet-unstable.ps aux

Now I jump to the interface, browse http://localhost:8888/ and try to download gpl.txt.
I get :

> Network Error
> Couldn't retrieve key: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hops To Live: 15
> Error: Route not Found
>     Attempts were made to contact 49 nodes.
>         * 49 were totally unreachable.
>         * 0 restarted.
>         * 0 cleanly rejected. 
>     The request couldn't even make it off of your node. Try again, perhaps with 
> gpl.txt to help your node learn about others. The publicly available seed nodes have 
> been very busy lately. If possible try to get a friend to give you a reference to 
> their node instead. 
> Change Hops To Live [15] <Retry>

Of course, I retried many times with many different hops value.
Now I'm drunk... :cP ;c)

I looked in the logs (/var/log/freenet-unstable/freenet.log) and did not found 
anything interesting :

> 07-Apr-04 6:13:47 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): loading node keys: 
> /var/lib/freenet-unstable/node
> 07-Apr-04 6:13:48 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): starting filesystem
> 07-Apr-04 6:13:53 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): loading data store
> 07-Apr-04 6:13:53 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): loading routing table
> 07-Apr-04 6:14:00 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): loading temp bucket factory
> 07-Apr-04 6:14:08 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): starting node
> 07-Apr-04 6:14:08 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): loading service: fproxy
> 07-Apr-04 6:14:08 PM (freenet.node.Node, main): Starting ticker..
> 07-Apr-04 6:14:08 PM (freenet.node.Node, main): Starting interfaces..
> 07-Apr-04 6:14:08 PM (freenet.node.Main, main): Not announcing because I am 
> transient.

I do not announce -at least for now- because I'm behind a firewall (wich i opened the 
right TCP port (-; ) and my IP is dynamic and I don't know if my DynDNS name would 
work (moreover, it did not changed anything when tried).

What can I do ?

Thanks for your help !
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