On Sat, Apr 10, 2004 at 07:54:38PM -0400, Nikita Proskourine wrote:
> Here is some selective filtering of my freenet.log for errors. I am 
> running FreeNet on WinXP with the bundled JRE (installed from scratch).
> A few minutes after I started my node:
> Apr 9, 2004 7:03:17 PM (freenet.support.FileBucket, Finalizer, ERROR): 
> Delete failed on bucket t2040c6af
> Apr 9, 2004 7:03:37 PM (freenet.support.FileBucket, Finalizer, ERROR): 
> Delete failed on bucket t6da6cb44
> Apr 9, 2004 7:13:13 PM (freenet.support.FileBucket, Finalizer, ERROR): 
> Delete failed on bucket t7ffe7483
> (I haven't seen them since)

Thanks, it turns out we were using the wrong kind of buckets in a few
> A bit later:
> Apr 9, 2004 8:00:00 PM (freenet.diagnostics.FileEventDequeue, 
> YThread-67, ERROR): Failed to read diagnostics data for variable 
> 'noConnCount' from disk (File: C:\Program 
> Files\Freenet\stats\noConnCount\2), using empty file.

Hmm. Probably not serious. I think this has been downgraded recently.
> There were a number of related messages. I am guessing they are 
> innocuous, but then they shouldn't be labeled as errors. I got a whole 
> slew of them again almost exactly at midnight.
> I also notice lots and lots of "State does not receive" errors, which 
> suggest a bug in the code (method not found):
> Apr 9, 2004 8:13:44 PM (freenet.node.states.request.InsertPending, 
> YThread-42, ERROR): State does not receive: freenet.Message: DataRequest 
> MuxConnectionHandler[conn=[tcp/connection: 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], identity=[DSA(afa7 9902 
> ae6a 0dd5 d23d  cfd6 73c9 83ef 32d1 c29d)], 
> sock=[Socket[addr=/,port=3134,localport=12000]], 
> chan=[java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connected local=/ 
> remote=/]], peer=[Peer [DSA(afa7 9902 ae6a 0dd5 d23d  
> cfd6 73c9 83ef 32d1 c29d) @ (1/3)]], 
> outbound=[false]] @ ae2181bfc6e8d1d2: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: 
> freenet.node.states.request.InsertPending.receivedMessage(freenet.node.Node, 
> freenet.message.DataRequest)


> Apr 9, 2004 8:30:39 PM (freenet.node.states.request.DataPending, 
> YThread-94, ERROR): State does not receive: freenet.Message: 
> StoreData@(hopsSinceReset=0,requestsPerHour=82835,dataSource=tcp/freenet.shatteredsilicon.net:18001,
> sessions=1, presentations=3, ID=DSA(cd91 38b2 767d b904 af2e  c7ef 83e1 
> 61ff 0360 d627), version=Fred,0.5,STABLE-1.50,5076): 
> java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: 
> freenet.node.states.request.DataPending.receivedMessage(freenet.node.Node, 
> freenet.message.StoreData)

WTF? DataPending does not receive StoreData?! Fixed in my local tree,
will go into 5078.

> Apr 9, 2004 8:32:03 PM (freenet.node.states.request.AwaitingStoreData, 
> YThread-80, ERROR): State does not receive: freenet.Message: DataReply 
> MuxConnectionHandler[conn=[tcp/connection: 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], identity=[DSA(afa7 9902 
> ae6a 0dd5 d23d  cfd6 73c9 83ef 32d1 c29d)], 
> sock=[Socket[addr=/,port=20065,localport=3342]], 
> chan=[java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connected local=/ 
> remote=/]], peer=[Peer [DSA(afa7 9902 ae6a 0dd5 d23d  
> cfd6 73c9 83ef 32d1 c29d) @ (1/3)]], 
> outbound=[true]] @ e57a5ea50a0c4b9e: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: 
> freenet.node.states.request.AwaitingStoreData.receivedMessage(freenet.node.Node, 
> freenet.message.DataReply)

Hmmm. Could be handled better, but basically is down to the network not
behaving properly - timeouts etc.

> (there are many more)
> I also see some NullPointerExceptions (rarely):
> Apr 9, 2004 8:24:04 PM (freenet.node.Node, YThread-75, ERROR): Error 
> while receiving message freenet.node.states.request.RequestInitiator@ 
> 1081556644468 in state [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
> key=a144fa591c08982bb74285653709a816b25157f80b0302, hopsToLive=8, 
> id=56cb43dd450477da, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> (a144fa591c08982bb74285653709a816b25157f80b0302,request), 
> ft=freenet.client.InternalClient$InternalGetToken:[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED],key=freenet:[EMAIL PROTECTED],hviMCl4TLVc7yQ4CZsDwyg,skipBytes=0, 
> orig=null, last=Peer [DSA(63a4 7aef ca4c 9eb8 aaa7  9b53 6a9d ccf4 c384 
> 3f4c) @ (1/3)], routedTime=1081556606187, 
> replyTime=1081556614687, outwardSender=null: java.lang.NullPointerException
> java.lang.NullPointerException
>    at freenet.node.rt.NGRouting.earlyTimeout(NGRouting.java:220)
>    at 
> freenet.node.states.request.Pending.receivedRequestInitiator(Pending.java:337)
>    at 
> freenet.node.states.request.DataPending.receivedMessage(DataPending.java:97)
> ...

This is probably fixed in 5077/60071+.

> Apr 10, 2004 7:02:13 AM (freenet.node.Node, YThread-455, ERROR): Error 
> while receiving message freenet.node.states.request.RequestInitiator@ 
> 1081594933890 in state [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
> key=d33fc78f8b17e8af7718735d2956acb34041c2fc140302, hopsToLive=5, 
> id=90b8cb0f02853b66, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> (d33fc78f8b17e8af7718735d2956acb34041c2fc140302,request), 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], orig=Peer [DSA(15db 
> 23fd 31be 0332 a352  7d21 edfa a3d2 8893 f8c0) @ 
> (1/3)], last=Peer [DSA(7c07 09a5 e6da f092 5bfb  abd7 780e cad7 aa67 
> 38e3) @ (1/3)], routedTime=1081594144156, 
> replyTime=1081594146656, outwardSender=null: java.lang.NullPointerException
> java.lang.NullPointerException
>    at freenet.node.rt.NGRouting.earlyTimeout(NGRouting.java:220)
>    at 
> freenet.node.states.request.Pending.receivedRequestInitiator(Pending.java:337)
>    at 
> freenet.node.states.request.DataPending.receivedMessage(DataPending.java:97)
> ...
> Apr 10, 2004 9:25:43 AM (freenet.node.Node, YThread-511, ERROR): Error 
> while receiving message 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  CB: 0 in state 
> key=aed544ea69dac0e5a0a6b180bc6a32715df52cff140302, hopsToLive=4, 
> id=26f51d7cae6ae58e, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> (aed544ea69dac0e5a0a6b180bc6a32715df52cff140302,request), 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], orig=Peer [DSA(df4c 
> 20cf eb01 4bfd badc  5c62 5255 6444 9ca3 6078) @ 
> (1/3)], last=Peer [DSA(45b3 11d1 7ec7 5ccc d95f  1c19 affa a60a 84d6 
> 4625) @ (1/3)], routedTime=1081602306062, 
> replyTime=1081602315578, outwardSender=null: java.lang.NullPointerException
> java.lang.NullPointerException
>    at freenet.node.rt.NGRouting.transferSucceeded(NGRouting.java:309)
>    at 
> freenet.node.states.request.ReceivingReply.receivedMessage(ReceivingReply.java:110)

This too I think.
> ...
> Some other classes of errors:
> Apr 9, 2004 11:18:35 PM (freenet.MuxConnectionHandler, YThread-258, 
> ERROR): registerOCM failed to send packet null

Hmm. I'd have to reproduce it locally to debug it.

> Apr 9, 2004 11:32:19 PM (freenet.MuxConnectionHandler, YThread-97, 
> ERROR): registerOCM failed to send packet [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 6 
> msgs, (1544 bytes), sentBytes=0, prio=-32


> Apr 9, 2004 11:42:57 PM (freenet.node.states.request.DataPending, 
> YThread-285, ERROR): State does not receive: freenet.Message: 
> StoreData@(hopsSinceReset=1,requestsPerHour=-1,dataSource=(null)): 
> java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: 
> freenet.node.states.request.DataPending.receivedMessage(freenet.node.Node, 
> freenet.message.StoreData)

You already quoted this one.

> Apr 10, 2004 12:20:32 AM (freenet.MuxConnectionHandler, Network writing 
> thread, ERROR): jobPartDone(992) on [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> MuxConnectionHandler[conn=[tcp/connection: 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], identity=[DSA(8b3a 8303 
> 117e 73de 023d  5eee 42fd ccc9 1dcb fe43)], 
> sock=[Socket[addr=/,port=16651,localport=12000]], 
> chan=[java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connected local=/ 
> remote=/]], peer=[Peer [DSA(8b3a 8303 117e 73de 023d  
> 5eee 42fd ccc9 1dcb fe43) @ (1/3)]], 
> outbound=[false]] but sendingPacket == null!

Ouch. Would need to reproduce it locally.

> Apr 10, 2004 1:41:00 AM (freenet.node.Node, YThread-265, ERROR): Error 
> while receiving message freenet.Message: Accepted 
> MuxConnectionHandler[conn=[tcp/connection: 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], identity=[DSA(12ab 88a4 
> a0b8 3a41 fd00  075f 3aa5 eaf6 3f68 6d22)], 
> sock=[Socket[addr=/,port=4565,localport=12000]], 
> chan=[java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connected local=/ 
> remote=/]], peer=[Peer [DSA(12ab 88a4 a0b8 3a41 fd00  
> 075f 3aa5 eaf6 3f68 6d22) @ (1/3)]], 
> outbound=[false]] @ 5d4f0f00fff0ee27 in state 
> key=7a4a56308990f857b1deb695f75a20afa6bf40720f0203, hopsToLive=10, 
> id=5d4f0f00fff0ee27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> (7a4a56308990f857b1deb695f75a20afa6bf40720f0203,insert), 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], orig=null, last=Peer 
> [DSA(12ab 88a4 a0b8 3a41 fd00  075f 3aa5 eaf6 3f68 6d22) @ 
> gunner.homelinux.org:60380 (1/3)], routedTime=1081575660015, 
> replyTime=-1, outwardSender=null, not-approved, insertReplyTime=-1: 
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: already committed: 

Wierd one - I'd probably have to get it locally to fix it though.

> freenet.node.ds.FSDataStoreElement:Key: 
> 7a4a56308990f857b1deb695f75a20afa6bf40720f0203 Buffer: 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:null New: 
> true:2160:closed:commit
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: already committed: 
> freenet.node.ds.FSDataStoreElement:Key: 
> 7a4a56308990f857b1deb695f75a20afa6bf40720f0203 Buffer: 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:null New: 
> true:2160:closed:commit
>    at 
> freenet.node.ds.FSDataStoreElement$KeyOutputStreamImpl.rollback(FSDataStoreElement.java:224)
>    at freenet.node.states.data.ReceiveData.cancel(ReceiveData.java:87)
>    at 
> freenet.node.states.request.InsertPending.relayInsert(InsertPending.java:369)
>    at 
> freenet.node.states.request.TransferInsertPending.receivedMessage(TransferInsertPending.java:246)
> Apr 10, 2004 1:45:37 AM (freenet.MuxTrailerReader, Network reading 
> thread, ERROR): Got a trailer chunk ahead of our time!: message starts 
> 104859, stream currently at 96264 from 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]: id=63093, keyOffset=104859, 
> length=573, cb=null on [EMAIL PROTECTED]: curPos=96264, 0 
> chunks pending, wantChunk=true

Not sure what causes these. Maybe some sort of queuing error.

> Apr 10, 2004 1:45:41 AM (freenet.MuxTrailerReader, Network reading 
> thread, ERROR): Got a trailer chunk ahead of our time!: message starts 
> 943468, stream currently at 940488 from 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]: id=10485, keyOffset=943468, 
> length=298, cb=null on [EMAIL PROTECTED]: curPos=940488, 0 
> chunks pending, wantChunk=true
> My node's been running for only about a day. I've tried to show all 
> classes of errors I've seen so far, but I may have missed some. I didn't 
> show some errors that suggest something took a long time. Last time I've 
> tried FreeNet I suffered from it running out of memory constantly, and 
> it doesn't appear to do that anymore, which is a big plus, so I will 
> continue using it :-) I hope this is useful to you, guys.

You should definitely try 5077 then :)
> Nikita.
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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