On Sun, Jul 11, 2004 at 10:12:19PM -0500, David Masover wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Toad wrote:
> | On stable? How many live connections? Do you get RNFs? DNFs?
> I think stable was actually better last I checked than unstable.  

Hmm. In what sense? Certainly there is more content on stable, because
there are more nodes on stable..

> Don't
> know RNF or DNF from Dionsaur.  5-10 connections, 2 or 3 loaded before
> the browser timed out (guess).

Strange. It didn't produce actual error messages? Usually the node
responds in a reasonable time nowadays... of course if your browser is
set to only use 2 connections it might take a while...
> | How much RAM does it have? We have had reports of reasonable performance
> 256 megs, but it's also running a lot of stuff --
> apache,squid,qmail,djbdns,dhcpd,samba,sshd,bincimap,stunnel
> Admittedly, there's not a lot of load on it, and a lot of that could be
> swapped.  But I'm running Linux 2.6, and Top shows 99% CPU in userland,
> by Freenet -- not in IO-Wait, where it would be if RAM was an issue.

How long after startup? I'd expect a CPU spike for the first hour or
two... it should go away after that... but is this on a 200MHz system?
> | on that class of hardware. OTOH, it's not a big priority at the moment.
> What's the bigger priority right now?  Because everything always seemed
> to "just work" for me with Freenet -- it would just do it excruciatingly
> slow.

That's not been everyone else's experience :). Seriously, it's not a
matter of local node optimisation. It's a matter of optimising THE
NETWORK. That means getting routing working.
> | I don't think Freenet's bandwidth limiting is unobtrusive enough for
> | gaming. Having said that, a gamer will tell you that ANYTHING else
> | running on the connection will increase his ping. Even if it doesn't! :)
> I'm a gamer, and I run web and email on this.  My bro notices when I run
> freenet.
> | those will be rectified when GCJ works. If we had used C++, we'd have
> | spent a year arguing over whether to include a garbage collector. If
> | we had used Ocaml, we'd have had even fewer coders than we have now.
> If you'd used Perl?  (Ok, that's not fair, and it's moot anyway.)

> | I've seen all of the above. Get hold of a copy of Eclipse compiled under
> | GCJ sometime...
> Will do!  Sometime...
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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