Toad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> No. All inter-node communications are encrypted. Separately, all data is 
> encrypted at the file level.

OK welcome to blab-out-my-arse-ville!!  I'm glad to be corrected & clearly need
to study-up on freenet more.  Thanks for your patience.
> I don't see that it's relevant to the legal issue at stake.. 

I guess the point was that the cache on its own never used to be enough, and the
apparent trend toward further loosening of evidence standards.
> Some of them are referring to running a
> node, and then analysing the requests that come in. This is difficult,
> as demonstrated above and for other reasons, but especially with
> splitfiles, it is not impossible. Also there may be traffic analysis
> vulnerabilities, with a sufficiently smart and powerful attacker.

Any ideas about how much 'not impossible'?

Thanks again, amphibian one.

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