Hello Toad!

I think that it is a very bad Idea to publish a new official build, when in one day or two you will go to weekend, especially if it is a stable build! When there is a serious bug, it will take much longer to solve the problem. And the network can rather go broken, like -- I think -- it happens now! The longer my node runs, the more RNFs I get. Im using the 8086 build.

Connections open (Inbound/Outbound/Limit)       54 (13/41/150)
before update(8085/8086) I usually had a value about 140

# Histogram of node versions in fred's Routing table
# 25.07.2004 19:18:20
# nodes: 291
Fred,0.5,STABLE-1.50,5084       135
Fred,0.5,STABLE-1.50,5085       82
Fred,0.5,STABLE-1.50,5086       74

When you think that you are ready to publish a new build, it is Thursday, Friday or Saturday and you know that you want to have some free days, without development/support, maybe it will by better to wait until it is Monday to publish the new stable build?!

Rudolf Krist
Mail: rudi.krist -at+ web.de
PGP Key Id: 0x5C1708B8

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