I recently installed a new node from scratch on a Windows XP SP2 box, and here are my observations.

While there's lots of talk about SP2 limiting TCP connections, I haven't see any real issues with it.

On the negative side, freenet-java-webinstall.exe is configured to install Sun JRE 1.4.1, when I believe it should install 1.4.2.

After 5 hours of uptime I only have 72 open connections. This was a problem I experienced on my linux based node too; either the seednodes.ref file is inadequate (weighing in at 26mB!) or Freenet 5091 isn't aggressive enough about meeting maxNodeConnections.

I would also like to point out that I'm currently only using ~50% of my upstream bandwidth, based on frequent observation of the "General Information" page. Perhaps Freenet should be more apt to take advantage of newbie nodes?

If there's any other information that would be of assistance, please let me know.


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