The automatic startup is just a property of Windows. If you don't want something to run automatically, just delete the startup shortcut (it's on your Program Files menu off the Windows menu start button ...). It's not a proprietary technology, it's just a link, and it's the same for every other application in Windows, for every version of Windows. This is THE most obvious solution, and it is surprising you didn't try this yet.

Alternatively, when you installed Freenet, if you don't tick the "Create shortcuts" box on the installer then the installer won't create the startup shortcuts... If you leave that box ticked, then the Freenet installer will create shortcuts which cause it to run automatically...

Transient, on the other hand, is NOTHING to do with automatic startup. If you want to know what transient means, try asking in the freenet-dev mailing list. Otherwise, just ignore that and leave it alone.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Don Gregory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 6:14 PM
Subject: [freenet-support] Startup question

It appears that Freenet wants to modify the startup section of my Windows config so that it fires up automatically at a reboot. I don't care for this. I want to be able to launch it manually. I hate things starting automatically. Is there any way to change this? I tell Spy Sweeper to remove that, but it comes back almost immediately, even if the Freenet process isn't running.

I thought maybe the grayed-out option to set the node to transient would be what controls that, but when I check the option on the Serious Geeks tab to allow me to change those options on the main page, it says it needs to restart the node for changes to take effect. When the node restarts, those options are still grayed out, and the checkbox on the Serious Geeks tab is un-checked again.

I also tried looking through Freenet.ini for anything that might apply to the auto-startup, but I didn't find anything about "startup" or "transient" anywhere in the ini file.

So, since none of the obvious solutions are working, here I am. Anybody know how to do this?

Thanks in advance,

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