I'm also getting a lot of various network errors including
Route Not Found

Attempts were made to contact 1 nodes.

  • 0 were totally unreachable.
  • 1 restarted.
  • 0 cleanly rejected.
  • 0 backed off.

Route Not Found messages mean that your node, or the rest of the network, didn't find the data or enough nodes to send the request to. You should retry, with the same Hops-To-Live; if it persists, there may be a problem (check that your internet connection is working). Try reseeding your node, and if that doesn't work, contact support@freenetproject.org.
How do I reseed my node?
Why do pages take forever to load?
Data Not Found

Error: Data Not Found

Data Not Found messages mean that your request passed through Hops-To-Live nodes without finding the data. It may simply not be there, but you can try again, possibly with a higher Hops-To-Live (which will make freenet try more nodes before giving up).

The request followed a Date Based Redirect, this is usually used to provide an updateable freesite. It appears that the current freesite is not available. You could try retrieving an earlier dated version (better but date-specific link). The site updates every 24 hours.

What is a Hops-To-Live Node?




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