Thad Guidry a écrit :

I have Freenet installed in Windows XP on my F:\Freenet drive.
I want to move the installation to my C:\Freenet drive.
I also want to shrink or change my datastore size from 100Gigs down to perhaps 10Gig instead, before or after the move.
I am using Windows XP.

How would I accomplish the above ?
I have found were to change the size under Advanced, but it doesn't seem to shrink it yet. Does it take time ?

Any help with the above would be tremendous. In doing the move, I plan to keep the node up 24/7.


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I also use from time to time windows xp pro, and now particularly to experiment with Freenet (this xp is installed on an iMac Leopard-Intel), but sofar after reading your post, I wonder why don't you just try, after having stopped Freenet, to make a right click on its directory and then, click on: "move to"... and choosing the location You like... It should work... you may verify afterwith if all the paths and links are correct, but it should be,since normally all the DL folders, Temp folders, and so on are in this same directory... I did often this on the leopard part of my OS and it always worked (Pando, Freenet [this was on Tiger], Ants...)
You should give a trial
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