My node is about three months old.

The problem cleared up after a couple of days. But then last week it  
happened again. This time I had not done an update nor a restart, the  
node just suddenly lost all of it's connections. I restarted it and  
ran an update but nothing helped. Again, after leaving the node off  
for about two days, it connected back up in about 30 minutes after  
being started.

I'll try a new seednodes.fref file next time this happens.

I thought that the seednodes file was automatically updated. Is this  
not the case?

If not then every opennet node would gradually degrade as old  
seednodes went away - or simply changed IP addresses. New or moved  
seednodes would not be known to older nodes.


On Aug 27, 2009, at 4:54 PM, Matthew Toseland wrote:

> On Saturday 15 August 2009 05:55:28 freenet wrote:
>> Ever since I upgraded to build 1230 I've never been able to establish
>> a connection to any other freenet nodes on the open-net.
> How old is your node? You could try getting a newer seednodes.fref  
> (from ?
>> The statistics page shows:
>> Disconnected: 20
>> Seed nodes: 18
>> for the last 48+ hours.
>> I'm running on Mac OS 10.5.7 which is at Java 1.6.0_13 so of course I
>> get the "Upgrade your Java immediately!" error message.
>> I also see qnother message on the messages page: We have recently  
>> sent
>> 0 announcements, 0 of which are still running, and added 0 nodes (0
>> nodes have rejected us). We are currently connected to 0 seednodes  
>> and
>> trying to connect to another 18.
>> which has also not changed in the past 48+ hours.
>> My most recent log is filled with the repeating sequence of:
>> Aug 15, 2009 04:08:43:523 (freenet.node.PeerManager, PacketSender
>> thread for 60973, NORMAL): Connected: 0  Routing Backed Off: 0  Too
>> New: 0  Too Old: 0  Disconnected: 20  Never Connected: 18  Disabled:
>> 0  Bursting: 0  Listening: 0  Listen Only: 0  Clock Problem: 0
>> Connection Problem: 0  Disconnecting: 0
>> Aug 15, 2009 04:08:48:562 (freenet.node.PeerManager, PacketSender
>> thread for 60973, NORMAL): Connected: 0  Routing Backed Off: 0  Too
>> New: 0  Too Old: 0  Disconnected: 20  Never Connected: 18  Disabled:
>> 0  Bursting: 0  Listening: 0  Listen Only: 0  Clock Problem: 0
>> Connection Problem: 0  Disconnecting: 0
>> Aug 15, 2009 04:08:51:476 (,
>> PacketSender thread for 60973, ERROR): Error while sending packet to
>> No route to host
>> No route to host
>>      at Method)
>>      at
>>      at  
>> 247)
>>      at freenet.node.FNPPacketMangler.sendPacket( 
>> 1794)
>>      at  
>> freenet.node.FNPPacketMangler.sendAuthPacket(
>> 1781)
>>      at
>> freenet 
>> .node.FNPPacketMangler.sendAnonAuthPacket(
>> 1739)
>>      at
>> freenet.node.FNPPacketMangler.sendJFKMessage1( 
>> 839)
>>      at  
>> freenet.node.FNPPacketMangler.sendHandshake(
>> 2876)
>>      at freenet.node.PacketSender.realRun(
>>      at
>>      at
>>      at
>> The IP address in the error line is either or
>> No others seem to be present. I can't ping either
>> one of those addresses.
>> Build 1226 was working perfectly for me, and my Internet connection  
>> is
>> fine. Side note: I never saw any announcement of builds 1229 nor 1230
>> on the support email list. Build 1230 just showed up in the messages
>> page as a downloaded and pending update.
>> Please help.
>> Thanks,
>> Paul
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