Freenet 0.7.5 build 1243 is now available, and it will be mandatory on Saturday 
(it makes 1241 mandatory immediately). Please upgrade! This is a little 
experimental but has a *major* opennet bug fix, an issue that has been present 
in opennet since the beginning.

The main changes in 1242 and 1243, both bugfixes and tweaks and features, are 
intended to speed up bootstrapping a new node onto the opennet. Hopefully when 
this build is widely deployed announcement will be much faster, and new nodes 
will have a full set of peers much more quickly:
- Major opennet bug: New opennet peers are supposed to be safe, in a "grace 
period" for 5 minutes after they are added. This was not happening, so new 
nodes could be dropped as easily as old nodes (subject to various anti-churn 
heuristics), and so could be dropped without having had a chance to prove 
- Tweak the anti-churn heuristics: We can now drop a connected peer every 5 
minutes, not every 10 minutes. This should improve opennet performance.
- A new opennet peer has 1 minute to connect, the 5 minute grace period only 
applies once it has connected.
- When trying to add a peer, enforce limits on how many peers may be in the 
grace period for each connection type: reconnection (= it was connected some 
time ago and wants back in), announcement (= bootstrapping a new node onto the 
opennet), or path folding (normal churn of opennet connections via requests). 
This effectively guarantees slots for announcement and reconnection, ensuring 
that path folding doesn't crowd them out. Only check this when we are going to 
drop a connected peer to make way for it.
- Don't make offers if we won't be able to honour them - the logic was slightly 
different when making an offer than when adding the node after we offered.

The other changes include:
- Add Fniki to the bookmarks and mark FAFS as old while not yet removing it, 
and bookmark updates.
- Change when the Download and Fetch buttons are shown on the web interface, 
and improve the HTML slightly.
- Fix a client layer bug resulting in some files (e.g. on TCR) being 
unfetchable with an error: "Unknown metadata: Archive redirect not in an 
archive manifest".
- A little more detail on the stats page for announcements.

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