Please upgrade, it will be mandatory on Sunday. The main change is a major 
change to load management, fairness between peers. Previously, a node would 
calculate how many requests it can accept on the basis that if they all 
succeed, will it have enough bandwidth to transfer all the data in 90 seconds. 
Now it does the same calculation for 120 seconds, but if it is over 60 seconds, 
we take into account fairness between peers: No single peer (including the 
local node; eventually this will be a configurable proportion, right now it's 
just treated as another peer) can use more than its fair share of the upper 
limit (120 seconds).

This could be somewhat disruptive in the short term. Expect increased backoff 
and reduced block transfer success rates. However it should settle after a few 
days, with improved block transfer rates.

Benefits include:
- Greatly increases the cost of some types of denial of service attacks.
- Makes slow nodes much less likely to have their requests rejected. This 
should help users of slow nodes, darknet, and hostile environments.
- Paves the way for full new load management.

Thanks, and please report any bugs you find! There have been some reports of 
downloads stalling, more info would be very helpful as I can't reproduce the 
problem locally. I will however add more debugging info on the cooldown queue 

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