Matthew Toseland <toad at ...> writes:

> No, there will be an opennet. It will probably operate on similar
> principles to the current 0.5 network, but will be 0.7.
> > 
> > We could have a rotating public nodes system like we currently do with
> > seednodes.ref, but surely this would horribly break the routing?
> Not necessarily.

So the friend small-world thing is purely for the scalable darknet, and the
opennet will use something like ngrouting?

> We have state level internet censorship?

Slight hyperbole perhaps, but the apparatus is there and it seems to be
happening. Right now known child porn sites are banned at the backbone/telco
level, which is fine, but this shows worrying signs of being expanded. Next on
the list is any criticism of a religion deemed to be "hate speech", and porn
deemed by some undefined party to be too "violent". The proposed incitement to
terrorism stuff is a bit open ended too.
OMG, must censor teh internets to protect our children because we have no
parenting skills. As for the insinuation that any porn harder than is allowed to
be sold in a UK sex shop must be censored, good luck censoring a third of the
Scientologists rub their hands in glee as they gain a new weapon. Pointing out
Mohammed was by modern standards a paedo == offence? Claiming the 'lost books'
of the Bible that say Jesus had homosexual relations, served a hallucinogen at
the last supper etc. exist == offence? Etcetera.
"Powers to tackle bookshops selling extremist material". So Mein Kampf is going
to be a thoughtcrime here too? Maybe we could have public bonfires of the
offending books while the security forces march around them and shout slogans,
y'know, to drive the point home.


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