Okay, the long start-up times are due to a hack we incorporated to not
clobber everyone's cache during the migration to a split store/cache. I
will remove this very soon and make the store and the cache equal sizes.
This will also prevent the store+cache temporarily using more than the
specified limit.

On Wed, Nov 01, 2006 at 05:07:35PM +0100, Guido Winkelmann wrote:
> Am Samstag, 28. Oktober 2006 17:43 schrieb Guido Winkelmann:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Am Donnerstag, 26. Oktober 2006 22:53 schrieben Sie:
> > [...]
> >
> > > Bizarre.
> > >
> > > The first time, it takes from 00:13:10 to 01:14:15 *the next day* (so
> > > around 25 hours) to read half of the store. The second time it takes from
> > > 01:18:04 to 03:11:33 (2 hours) to read the entire store. There's
> > > something else going on here, no idea what. Does this happen often?
> > > How's memory usage?
> >
> > The problem persists. Right now (17:30) the node is at "Reading store prior
> > to shrink: 34%", the startup of the node was at 02:09 in the morning.
> >
> > There is nothing special running on that box (besides freenet), a few
> > standard services (a webserver, a mailserver, a small postgres
> > database...), but that's it. Memory usage is also pretty standard, with
> > about 66 MiB of swap in use (which is nothing special fo a server machine.)
> > Everything else on the machine is running normally, I don't even see any
> > significant slowdown anywhere. (Even though freenet is using 99% CPU.)
> >
> > Anyone else got this problem?
> >
> >     Guido
> Another follow-up:
> Right now, I'm mostly unable to use freenet, because most of the times I find 
> my node "in the process of starting up".
> This might be related:
> During one of the rare occassions when my node was actually up and running, I 
> found it to be noticeably slower than usual (even for freenet). Bandwidth 
> usage was about 2 KB/sec (in+out), of 100 KB/sec allowed (about a tenth of 
> the usual amount). Also, the java process was still using 99% CPU constantly.
>         Guido
> -- 
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