bqz69 wrote:
>> Trust some well established identities' trust list trusts, and pretty soon
>> you should see messages coming through in FMS, then hopefully you will
>> start figuring things out. And remember Freenet is a high latency network,
>> don't expect to get replies (or even see your own messages appear)
>> instantaneously. give everything time.
> What is the idea with:
> Local Peer
> Message Trust comment
> Local Peer
> Trust List Trust Comment
> Insertion boxes and the "Set" button, on the message board?

The comments are just something for you (and for others if you publish you 
to remember why you have set somebody the way you did.

                       - Volodya

--       Echo of Freedom, Radical Podcast     Anarchopedia, A Free Knowledge Portal       The Free Network project

  "None of us are free until all of us are free."    ~ Mihail Bakunin

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