bqz69 wrote:
> On Friday 22 August 2008 21.11.39 bqz69 wrote:
>>> Trust some well established identities' trust list trusts, and pretty
>>> soon you should see messages coming through in FMS, then hopefully you
>>> will start figuring things out. And remember Freenet is a high latency
>>> network, don't expect to get replies (or even see your own messages
>>> appear) instantaneously. give everything time.
>> What is the idea with:
>> Local Peer
>> Message Trust comment
>> Trust List Trust Comment
> ***
> Here are some screenshots showing how to setup FMS and Thunderbird, made from 
> a dito video:
> ***
> But I still do not understand how the peer/trust system works?
> I have now sent 4 different test messages to fms, but only get the ackbot 
> messages on the board, and then the:
> Local Peer - Message Trust comment - Local Peer -  Trust List Trust Comment 
> text insertion boxex below each ackbot message, which I do not know how to 
> use? :-)

Ok, i'm a bit lost as to what your problem is, so i'll run through the web of 
trust idea, hopefully something here will help you.

You can trust an identity by setting that identity's trust to something 
relatively high, and then you will see that identity's messages. You can trust 
the identity's trust list, then you will automatically trust that the identity 
will mark other identities correctly.

Go to the following page:
Search for Volodya, you should find the identity like this "VolodyA! V 
Anarhist at sD-X.." that is mine. You can click on the name and see who trusts 
(that your fms knows of) and who i trust. Let's say you are satisfied that i am 
not an evil person and do not mark somebody low because i don't like them nor 
i mark spammers high. You can set my trust list trust to something high 
go from 0 (min) to 100 (max)). Now i don't really maintain my identity's trust 
list trust that much so i wouldn't suggest just trusting me.

Some identities that i would recommend that you set high trust list trust (on 
http://localhost:8080/peertrust.htm page) are:
Luke771 at mdXK
Liberty or Death at QZlY
nAxaLiTe at 4KbK
bback at vH4r

You do that by searching for their names, and then typing the number in the 
column that says 'Local trust list trust' (and possibly comment) and pressing 
'Update Trust'.

After you will start seeing messages appear, you probably should move asking 
questions to FMS, more people will help you there. (fms board is good for those 

                          - Volodya

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