>Mel Charters wrote:
>>  Probably a bug: please report: 6 peers forcibly disconnected due to not
>>  acknowledging packets.
>>  6 of your peers are having severe problems (not acknowledging packets
>>  even after 10 minutes). This is probably due to a bug in the code.
>>  Please report it to us at the bug tracker at
>>  https://bugs.freenetproject.org/ or to the support mailing list
>>  support at freenetproject.org. Please include this message and what version
>>  of the node you are running. The affected peers (you may not want to
>>  include this in your bug report if they are darknet peers) are:
>>      *
>>      *
>>      *
>>      *
>>      *
>>      *
>>  Freenet 0.7 Build #1191 r24115M
>>  Freenet-ext Build #26 r23771
>>  May be from #1190. Build #1191 appeared within the last 10 hours.
>  > --
>>  Mel Charters
>Have you restarted your node since Saturday at midnight?

I restarted Sunday about 4 am GMT. At that time I received #1190 update.
Some time later auto update to #1191

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Mel Charters

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