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Since my node autoupdated to 1208, my system's performance degraded so
much as to render it completely unusable while Freenet is running. I
can't perform simplest tasks, such as surfing or typing a document, as
switching between tabs in Opera can take 10+ seconds and delay between
typing a letter and it showing up in Word can be several seconds as
well. Anything more stressing (such as running a game or developing an
application) is simply not possible.

- From what I can see, the reason for this is that Freenet makes hundreds
of small disk i/o ops per second, basically blocking the OS from
accessing the hard drive for swapping and such.

The above is definitely affected by the queue size. First, I tried
adding ~ 100 random files from Thaw when the node first updated, but
hadn't had the patience to wait for the request to complete (I think I
waited at least 20 minutes, perhaps more - with the system being nearly
paralyzed by the constant HDD thrashing). With just 3 or 4 files being
put in the queue the system starts to stutter noticeably, provided that
files start downloading and not hang at 0%. The only time when I can run
Freenet as a real background app is when I don't have any files in the
queue and FMS isn't running (which seems more or less pointless to me :-().

My system is set up as follows:

AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+
4 Gb RAM
2x250 Gb 7200 rpm SATA2 HDD (mirror via mobo's built-in nVidia 570 RAID
Windows XP x64
Java 1.6.0_07 64-bit
Of course, all the latest updates/patches/drivers, etc.
Freenet uses 5 Gb datastore on an unencrypted partition.

Interesting thing I noticed was that Freenet significantly underutilized
the memory I provide it with. From 320 Mb heap memory available, I
hadn't seen it allocate more than ~ 80 Mb.

Any thoughts on why this could be happening? I hadn't seen anyone
complain about the performance of 1208/09 yet, so it is probably
something with my machine :-(, but it beats me what it could be :-(.

Victor Denisov.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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