On Thu, 2009-04-09 at 13:34 -0700, halbtaxabo...@yahoo.com wrote:

> Presumably I can ssh into the device over a USB connection. But ssh requires 
> a user name and
> a password. What are they? I don't see how to find out what user names are 
> defined, or how
> to reset passwords, except by getting to a shell prompt.

The only user is root with no password 

> I think sections 4 and 5 of the "Getting started" document (i.e. most of the 
> document) need to be
> rewritten, unless there's already an updated version on some page I don't 
> know about.
> Yes, I know this is community-supported stuff and actually I'd be happy to 
> make a start on that
> -- but first of all I need to know how to find my way around the thing!

Looking forward to seeing you updates to the wiki.

> Searching through the archived mailing lists, i see that some people think 
> that other
> distros - SHR or FSO - are "better" than om2008.12. Is there a consensus on 
> this,
> or is it just a matter of personal taste?



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