2009/12/11 François-Léonard Gilbert <gilbe...@gmail.com>:
> I tried that technique last night, and while I did wake the battery
> up, it was not enough to start the phone.
> What I did:
> 1) get 4 1.2v AA batteries in series with a resistor and a LED (for
> visual confirmation and current limiting)
> 2) plug the 4.8v in parallel with the FR battery (+ with +, - with -)
> this lighted up the LED
> 3) wait 2-3 minutes
> 4) try to plug the led + resistor between the FR terminals: very faint
> light, but OK
> 5) plug the FR in my computer, put the battery in, power up the NAND
> boot menu
> 6) cycle the menu items for a few seconds
> result: the FR shuts down while I cycle the menu.

Have your pressed AUX and kept it pressed down while inserting the
battery and attaching the charger cable as described in
http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Neo_FreeRunner_Battery#More_tricks ?

Do you dare to boot the FR with external USB power and then insert the
battery to charge it? I've described it on http://nop0.blogspot.com/

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