Didn't dare try this yet, as I was looking for a way to request multiple
leases using different MAC addresses (coming from the Wintel world, I've yet
so see a DHCP server that issues more than one lease for the same MAC). If
you can point me in the right direction (the archives you looked at
suggesting "it may be possible"), I'll be happy to have a go. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Ullrich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2005 18:45
To: support@pfsense.com
Subject: Re: [pfSense Support] Multiplan WAN IPs on same interface via DHCP

On 10/13/05, Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My cable ISP allows me to obtain up to 5 IP addresses via DHCP (nope, 
> no static addresses here, they cost a fortune). For the sake of having 
> more control over NAT and port mappings, I'd like to be able to use 
> more than the single IP address obtained by pfSense out of the box.

By chance have you tried this?  It's not really supported at the moment but
I have been reviewing some freebsd archives and it may be
possible if I do some tweaks to dhclient-script.   I need to setup a
testing environement to verify.   If you have set this up can you send
me your dhclient logs from the system logs area?

> Here's what I was thinking:
>  - Is it possible to define multiple "virtual" interfaces (not VLANs) 
> one one physical one, each with its own (spoofed) MAC address? They'd 
> then be configured as DHCP-Interfaces in pfSense and get their own
(different IPs).

That would be ideal, but I don't think the interfaces are clonable.

> - If so, would it be possible (OK, now I'm asking a bit much here) to 
> get DynDNS for each of them?

This for sure will not work.


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