Bill Marquette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi Bill,

> Look at how OpenVPN works.  Hint, you'll probably end up doing
> something along the lines of copying those files and doing a
> s/OpenVPN/ssltunnel VPN/ and changing the commands to run it to
> whatever brings up your ssltunnel ppp connection.

Well, It seems to be disabled in the embedded image.

There are files regarding OpenVPN in the embedded image, but it would be
easier to understand how they work if OpenVPN was enabled (I'm really
not a php guru :/).


Éric Masson

 Alcotest> OUi, mais aussi pour la création des 2 autres ducon,
 Expliquez moi, pourquoi voulez vous créer deux autres ducon ?
 Vous vous sentez seul ?
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