You provide no concrete reasoning for your speculations, and I think
that you're wrong.

What speculation?  That the basis of networking is how specific
machines' interfaces are linked, be it at layer 2 or layer 7?  This
kind of hand-waving really makes me itch for ad-hominem attacks, but
I'm going to thus far resist.

You're saying that the world's largest firewall vendor only account
for 90% of their customer's security?  I think you're wrong here, too

No, I'm saying that any level of indirection is going to cover up edge
cases and make them impossible to deal with - this is the reality of
programming.  Under the covers, regardless of what you think is
happening, some poor sod at CheckPoint has programmed some arguably
intelligent code that does it's best to translate your your intent
from the GUI into an interface-based ruleset.  If you don't think
that's true... well, I can't help you there.  I'd impolitely suggest a
hike, but we need all types, be they assembly warriors or PHBs.  Ick.
Maybe not the latter.

I officially consider you slightly insane now, hehe.
Or at the least, you have way too much free time on your hands :-).

Clinically insane - I have the papers and take the medicine.  It's
[iptables] what I know and what I like, and has all the edge cases I
can possibly think of covered.  If for some reason it doesn't, I go
download the latest patch-o-matic tarball and insert what I need.


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