Check out the Linksys wrt54g3g which I use with a 3G XU870, (cheap 2nd hand) 
works well for portable Internet connections for a 
battery of wireless notebooks.  It runs from 12V so car battery power is also 
an option.

The code is open source and published by Linksys, whether that makes the 
drivers accessible I am not sure.

Kind regards

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Buechler" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: [pfSense Support] Internet at the lake? Rogers Mobile 
InternetStick (Rocket) with pfSense?

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 10:09 AM, Vick Khera <> wrote:
> When we were at BSDCon in DC last month, the local wifi provided was
> over a shared connection built this way by hand using an OpenBSD
> laptop as the gateway to the verizon network via usb stick. It worked
> quite well for the first day :-)

The "first day" part is key there.  :)  It fell apart after that.

pfSense doesn't support any 3G devices. The driver support on FreeBSD
in our experience is somewhere between poor and non-existent depending
on the card. The cards with driver support tend to be old ones you
can't get new anymore.

3G requires PPP support as it's functionally virtually identical to a
POTS dial up modem. PPP dial up support may appear in 2.0. 3G drivers
is a bigger problem.

There are some boxes that'll output 3G to Ethernet in some fashion
(router generally), but they aren't cheap.  $200-300 USD if I recall.
That may be the best bet. One caveat though - don't know how it is in
.ca but most providers here in the US will limit you to 5 GB and
charge an exorbitant amount per MB above that.

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