I think this is more obscure than you think-- this is on a snapshot build,
so how many people have 1) run a 1.2.3 snapshot, 2) _had_ a redundant CARP
config, and then 3) removed the redundant member and 4) added some Outbound
NAT rules and interface rules (which is what finally triggered the XMLRPC
sync, and thus the error)? 

My guess is that people with redundant configs are probably not testing
snapshot builds (or even production builds) in this manner. I don't know if
this happens on previous builds, and you are probably going to say that the
code hasn't changed, and that's very likely to be true if you say so--I'm
just saying I think the bug is present, but obscure.

Obviously if it happens it's easy enough to fix by downloading the config,
deleting the duped sections and uploading the config again, but I would tend
to think there's a bug in there somewhere, because like I said, I didn't
dupe the section myself.

Dimitri Rodis
Integrita Systems LLC 

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Ullrich [mailto:sullr...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 8:15 AM
To: support@pfsense.com
Subject: Re: [pfSense Support] CARP Bug in 1.2.3

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 11:31 PM, Dimitri Rodis
<dimit...@integritasystems.com> wrote:
> Currently running:
> 1.2.3-RC1
> built on Wed Apr 1 16:59:10 EDT 2009
> Changed the CARP config-- had a redundant member that I removed, so I shut
> pfsync off. However, I kept getting messages along the top that XMLRPC
> was failing. I checked, and it was disabled--so, I unchecked absolutely
> everything and saved and rebooted, but the errors persisted.
> I think I found the problem. I downloaded my config file and had a look.
> Check out the following section:
>       <installedpackages>
>             <carpsettings>
>                   <config>
>                         <pfsyncenabled/>
>                         <pfsyncinterface>opt3</pfsyncinterface>
>                         <pfsyncpeerip/>
>                         <synchronizerules/>
>                         <synchronizeschedules/>
>                         <synchronizealiases/>
>                         <synchronizenat/>
>                         <synchronizeipsec/>
>                         <synchronizewol/>
>                         <synchronizestaticroutes/>
>                         <synchronizelb/>
>                         <synchronizevirtualip/>
>                         <synchronizetrafficshaper/>
>                         <synchronizednsforwarder/>
>                         <synchronizetoip/>
>                         <password/>
>                   </config>
>                   <config>
>                         <pfsyncenabled/>on</pfsyncenabled>
>                         <pfsyncinterface>opt3</pfsyncinterface>
>                         <pfsyncpeerip/>
>                         <synchronizerules>on</synchronizerules>
>                         <synchronizeschedules>on</synchronizeschedules>
>                         <synchronizealiases>on</synchronizealiases>
>                         <synchronizenat>on</synchronizenat>
>                         <synchronizeipsec>on</synchronizeipsec>
>                         <synchronizewol>on</synchronizewol>
> <synchronizestaticroutes>on</synchronizestaticroutes>
>                         <synchronizelb>on</synchronizelb>
>                         <synchronizevirtualip>on</synchronizevirtualip>
> <synchronizetrafficshaper>on</synchronizetrafficshaper>
>                         <synchronizednsforwarder/>
>                         <synchronizetoip></synchronizetoip>
>                         <password>xxxxxxxxxx</password>
>                   </config>
>                   <config>
>                         <pfsyncenabled>on</pfsyncenabled>
>                         <pfsyncinterface>opt3</pfsyncinterface>
>                         <pfsyncpeerip/>
>                         <synchronizerules>on</synchronizerules>
>                         <synchronizeschedules>on</synchronizeschedules>
>                         <synchronizealiases>on</synchronizealiases>
>                         <synchronizenat>on</synchronizenat>
>                         <synchronizeipsec>on</synchronizeipsec>
>                         <synchronizewol>on</synchronizewol>
> <synchronizestaticroutes>on</synchronizestaticroutes>
>                         <synchronizelb>on</synchronizelb>
>                         <synchronizevirtualip>on</synchronizevirtualip>
> <synchronizetrafficshaper>on</synchronizetrafficshaper>
> <synchronizednsforwarder>on</synchronizednsforwarder>
>                         <synchronizetoip></synchronizetoip>
>                         <password>xxxxxxxxx</password>
>                   </config>
>             </carpsettings>
>       </installedpackages>
> Shouldn't <config></config> only be in there once? Looks like it added
> another <config></config> section it each time I tried to change/save it,
> and it's only using the last one.
> Bug or user error?
> Dimitri Rodis
> Integrita Systems LLC
> http://www.integritasystems.com

Doubt its a bug or we would be seeing a lot more of this.


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