Dear community,

the governing board of AALOA has been invited to organize *a special workshop* (most probably in April this year in Brussels, jointly with the _ICT for Inclusion_ unit of the _DG for Information Society and Media_ of the European Commission) with the goal to discuss possibilities *for funding projects* that could directly promote the AAL market breakthrough.

This is a big opportunity for AALOA to go a step forward and to give foundation to the Manifesto's ideas around which this community is growing. Of course, it is also an opportunity for all the satellite projects, which could benefit from this funding scheme.

/We are asking all of you, especially people involved in //running//EU projects (especially SMEs and enterprises/),/to express their opinion and if desired to send a representative to the workshop in Brussels. This is the right moment to help the community by doing networking to reach all the potentially interested stakeholders.

/The original idea was developed by Reiner Wichert, spokesman for Fraunhofer-Allianz AAL (which consists of 13 different Fraunhofer institutes in different cities in Germany), who is also one of the first subscribers of the AALOA Manifesto.

Reiner developed the idea of "stress testing":

   To fill the gap between research and market,the industry must be
   involved in projects that put selected promising research results
   under "stress tests". That is, companies already offering AAL
   services and products / prototypes start to use these results as
   underlying technologies (platform) in new adapted versions of the
   existing products in such projects. The funding should mainly aim at
   mitigating adaptation costs for the participating vendors.

The workshop is expected to examine the usefulness and feasibility of the idea in conjunction with an appropriate funding scheme. For this reason, it is preferable that the majority of the workshop participants are such companies already offering AAL services and products / prototypes. Other participants should be entities representing research results that are volunteersto go under stress testing. Last but not least, representatives of the current funding programmes, such as FP7, CIP ICT PSP, and AAL JP shall attend this workshop.

The umbrella of AALOA could be the right place where such action could be implemented. In fact, according to the manifesto, AALOA wants to /"Design, develop, evaluate, standardize and maintain a common service platform for AAL"/, but the problem of creating consensus around a shared platform is still an open issue. We think that the open source policy adopted by AALOA is the right tool around which consensus can be reached. We are starting to incubate projects within AALOA, but from among the EU projects supporting AALOA, currently only those that are still runninghave the required resourcesto put their research results under stress test in a production environment.

This is the reason why we started contacting the universAAL project board. They reacted positively to the initiative, provided that it starts not earlier thanthe beginning of 2012, after the second developmentiteration. In fact, universAAL had already planned to more actively present its results to the general AAL community during their third iteration, in order to gather and incorporate useful external feedback.

The reaction of the universAAL consortium, which is composed of 17 European partners, meansthatwe have the first significant endorsement, so we are positive about the idea of organising the workshop. In fact, we may be able to candidate universAAL to be the first test bed for stress testing. The idea is to grant universAAL a slot in the workshop for explaining why it would be a good idea that a pilot project is based on their platform. AALOA would ensure that possible decisions on this proposal will be the result of the open discussions that we will have during the workshop.

However, we hope that this is only a first step: _we warmly encourage this community to propose alternative platform candidates_, and we invite other consortia(e.g. OSAmI-commons, OpenURC, Continua, etc) to participate and support the workshop. Given the many ongoing initiatives in this area, we expect interesting candidate proposals. However, nobody knows whether the general idea of one or more specific candidates will be confirmed by the workshop; _we do not even know if any solution can be found for funding stress testing projects_.

We think that AALOA is the right umbrella to promote this interesting initiative, also because it already has the strength to mediate among competing solutions and creating synergies where possible.

Some of the AALOA Governing Board members are going to meet physically during the next week and will work on a first draft of the announcement of the workshop. The draft will then be submitted to the whole Governing Board in order to finalise a version to be posted to the AALOA promoters and supporters, with one week time for gathering feedback. We must proceed quickly in order to be able to contact the EC by the third week of February with a concrete proposal on the organization of the workshop.

Any criticism, doubt, further request for clarification, expression of interest, or active support is welcome and warmly appreciated. Please provide your feedback as soon as possible so that we can consider it for preparing the announcement.

The AALOA Governing Board
Francesco Furfari
Joe Gorman
Sergio Guillen
Sten Hanke
Thomas Karopka
Antonio Kung
Saied Tazari
Supporters mailing list

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