Dear AALOA supporters group,

Mohammad-Reza Tazari wrote on February 4th:
the governing board of AALOA has been invited to organize *a special
workshop* (most probably in April this year in Brussels, jointly with
the _ICT for Inclusion_ unit of the _DG for Information Society and
Media_ of the European Commission) with the goal to discuss
possibilities *for funding projects* that could directly promote the AAL
market breakthrough.
We are asking all of you, especially people involved in running EU
projects (especially SMEs and enterprises),to express their opinion
and if desired to send a representative to the workshop in Brussels.
This is the right moment to help the community by doing networking to
reach all the potentially interested stakeholders.

The OFFIS institute for information technology, being involved in various
AAL R&D projects on both European level (OSAMI commons, Florence) and
national level (GAL, PAGE, IDEAAL) is definitely interested to participate
in such a workshop. Depending on the date, either myself or my collegue
Melina Brell would participate.

Best regards,
Dr. Marco Eichelberg

Dr. Marco Eichelberg
Gruppenleiter Integrationstechnik | Manager Integration Technology Group

FuE Bereich Gesundheit | R&D Division Health
Escherweg 2 - 26121 Oldenburg - Germany
Phone/Fax.: +49 441 9722-147/111

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