Hello Stefan, good discussion.

> However: How many "dry recorded audio tracks" are there? There might be
> dozens... Therefore, you can't control things like space or data rate for
> streaming.

I see the upper limit at 32. Nobody is able to separate more source
positions in the real environment. We can merge together some sources, which
pose fairly common positions in the recording room.
On the other hand, often only one single source provides the audio content.
By which reason we should transmit more as one single channel?

> Data of "source position and recording room acoustics" would have to be
> coded in a transparent and elegant form, and is there any agreement on this?
> This looks far from being "trivial"...

Unfortunately, all trivial tasks are solved today. :)  However, this seem
solvable today. MPEG4 would be an appropriates standard, as example.

> Note that I am elsewhere accused to be a secret member of some supposed
> "Ambisonics sect", but I personally think that I am just pragmatic.   :-D
...Gezerons Ideas are gerat. I see a lot of starting points for common
system approach from Holophony and Ambisonics. As example, the described
loudspeaker field behind the silver screen would be able to produce uncurved
wave fronts without too much impact of the playback room acoustics. Uncurved
wavefronts are fundamentally for ambisonics.

Regards Helmut
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