> On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 12:51:45PM -0800, Eric Carmichel wrote:

>> 3. I have seen discussion and articles regarding Ambisonics and
>> shelving filters. Any recommendations as to "best" filter settings
>> based on speaker-to-listener radius?

> Very few AMB decoders provide both dual-band operation
> (or shelf filters) and near-field compensation. I'm
> the author of one that does (Ambdec), but since I
> suspect you are on Windows you can't use it.

I'd give a big vote (and thanks) for Ambdec.

Having also (this Spring/Summer) got bogged down in
cross-platform (dual operating system) 'problems', I
would also emphasise that many are highly soluble.

You can take a selection of B-format recordings/files
and 'cook them' to speaker feeds using Ambdec on
either MacOS or Linux.
(For Linux you can even install dual boot on a MS
machine, rather than borrowing cycles of a friend's
Mac / Linux box.)
Save the speaker feeds as a six (or four (but preferably
not eight;-)>) channel file ... and 'bring it back home'
for direct playback on a MS box.

Just an idea,


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