Thanks Paul : Somebody (perhaps you) already suggested Opera.
And yes I have installed it and it does 'work'.

I didn't want to put my 'personal' problems on the list, but
ah well:

Opera is now trying to route through some proprietory ADSL
box  .  .  .  and I'm trying to understand the opaque
instructions about the box's firewall.
I am quite used to tweaking firewalls on servers and on
benchtop machines, but the box seems to have its own
'little tricks'.

So thanks, but it's back to reading the manual, I fear ...


> --On 12 June 2012 09:14 +0000 Michael Chapman <> wrote:
>> If not, I'll get the cold towels out, wrap my head and
>> try and get BitTorrent going again
> You don't really need to; install a copy of the Opera browser, and then
> you can just click on a torrent link, select "Open" rather than "Save",
> and the browser will do the torrent download (so long as you leave it
> open, of course).  No extra setup required.  It also shares, as
> torrents expect, but when the download is complete, you can stop the
> sharing by right-clicking it in the downloads list (or just by closing
> Opera).
> Paul
> --
> Paul Hodges
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