On 1 Nov 2012, at 06:24, Peter Lennox <p.len...@derby.ac.uk> wrote:

> Download the binaural for binaural use, and the stereo for stereo use? - in 
> fact, instead of trying to make one format fit all - people could just 
> download a folder and extract the ones they needed...

That's an academic solution. That's like saying: who needs an ambisonic 
decoder, just use Bidule, or something like that. 

We're not talking about how some enthusiast can cobble together a solution, but 
how a particular technology is made accessible to the masses. It has to be 
automatic. People don't want to be bothered about which song to choose, just as 
they don't want to be bothered with selecting an SMTP port for their e-mail 


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