Eric Carmichel wrote:
> While I was enjoying the scent of roses and
> honeysuckle blossoms during my visit, the thought of electronically
> ?recording? scents and odors came to mind (not exactly a new idea). After
> all, we have multiple methods of electronically recording images and sounds.
> It then made me think about sensation, perception, and how ?reality? travels
> across/thru various medium. The amusing thought of an older Warner Bros/Bugs
> Bunny cartoon that referred to ?smell-a-vision? also surfaced.
> Although I don?t believe scents and odors would enhance movie-goers
> experiences (didn?t director John Waters already try this?), it does elicit
> thoughts of vials of elements and compounds being electronically mixed to
> produce odorants.

The two main systems were called
Smell-O-Vision and AromaRama.  Neither was
successful because, while it is easy to
introduce smells into a cinema, it is impossible
to get them out again.

John Waters system, Odorama, used with his
1982 movie Polyester, did not suffer from this
problem.  He used scratch and sniff cards.

Martin J Leese
E-mail: martin.leese
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