Thanks for listening!
Yes, it is good recording, and uses Q-sound. I tried not to spoil it..
The soundfile link is after it has been convolved with binaural IRs from my dummy head and room. The IRs have gone through my speakers, room, dummy head, inverse filtering and final eq. Frequencies 100Hz to DC are crossed over to a synthetic IR, to replace the mono and room modes from the sub. Hopefully there will be very little colouration as it has been finally equalised to be flat for independent white noise. I hear the vocals outside the head and to the front (unlike the original stereo) regardless of any normal head movement, and even when lying down the image remains horizontal. The side images are quite good on the original. After 100s of hours listening to similar dummy heads it will sound better to me than anyone listening for the first time. However they are not personalised HRIRs (except by tweaking). unless my near-ear IRs are close to**a dirac delta function, for a speaker at 45 degrees.
The head itself has more than two microphones (and ears).
Some more info:

On 10/01/2014 21:13, Eero Aro wrote:
Isn't Roger Waters' Amused to Death Q-Sound?

Q-Sound was designed to work with both speakers and headphones.
It is not binaural as such. With speakers the stereo stage is very

However, the album has some very effecive spatial moments.

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